Taking Your Privacy Into Your Own Hands
Identity & Naming
Brand Strategy
Advertising & Conceptual Development
Strategic Messaging & Positioning
Creative Production

The Challenge
The Internet is not free. Every action can be monetized or abused. We are being manipulated. That’s why we need to market a privacy control app to help individual users understand what has been exposed, let them secure their data and regain control of their personal information.
Strategic Decision
The A-Ha Moment
“I can finally do what I want online without being exposed.”

The FigLeaf name and creative campaign was conceived to work globally through its association with Adam and Eve — the world’s first privacy story. Eve bit into the apple, she gained understanding and knowledge. She now understood shame and humility. So, she used a FigLeaf to cover herself. And Adam soon followed suit. What happened in the Garden of Eden is a powerful metaphor for what occurs online with individual users.

FigLeaf’s mission is to give every single user the ability to make private decisions for themselves. On every platform, at every turn. We wrote and designed a compelling, informative, and provocative campaign which differentiated from legacy point solution security products and strongly introduced FigLeaf as the leader in digital personal privacy.

Naming & Identity
In a world where online activity can bare our most private information, FigLeaf is an app that gives users the ability to decide when and where they choose to cover and/or protect those parts of our self-presentation we would prefer to keep private.
Intuitive, human, and accessible, FigLeaf speaks (with a wink) to selective, dynamic control and freedom of choice. And it does so in a way that’s a refreshing alternative to the well-established fear-based tactics of the security industry.
And despite its lighthearted tonality, FigLeaf conveys a serious, cautionary message with a clear motivating call-to-action: a reminder of how vulnerable and exposed we can be online if we don’t recognize threats and take the proper precautions.

By positioning Figleaf as the first global platform for privacy we aimed to lead and define the privacy debate. We began with the most human needs and desires, pulling in our users with a tone and style that is easy to engage with and understand. This approach exposed the vast array of ways privacy can become at risk. Allowing for any and all types of media placement opportunities across anyone’s daily life to become a moment to have the privacy conversation.

“We originally approached Mortar to re-brand our business to include personal privacy—but that soon blossomed into something new and revolutionary: creating and launching the world’s first app designed to secure individual user's privacy everywhere. Mortar led us through the steps required to understand our market, organize our thinking, and name and launch the app—Apple followed in our footsteps some 3 years later!”
—Pankaj Srivastava, CMO, Figleaf