Unlocking Domination by Unleashing Automation





Brand Strategy

Advertising & Conceptual Development

Strategic Messaging & Positioning

Creative Production

The Challenge

Differentiate DriveCentric in an industry where car dealers rely on their CRM to help them compete, beat, and crush rival dealerships in landing potential customers.

Strategic Decision

With DriveCentric, Augmented Intelligence transforms the way the world’s dealerships sell cars.

The A-Ha Moment

“I no longer need my CRM, I need DriveCentric.”

DriveCentric brings a revolutionary approach to CRM systems by adding Augmented Intelligence—an intuitive, real-time platform with advanced AI, giving dealerships the invaluable ability to serve and engage with customers.

This dynamic solution inspired creative ideation centered on how using DriveCentric’s CRM unleashes a sales team’s talents and expertise to connect with car buyers like never before. Continuing that thread, we summed it up with what became the cornerstone of our campaign: DriveCentric “Unlocks an Unfair Advantage” over competitors.

Leveraging the competitive mindset of car dealers, we highlighted the various powers or “modes” that they can (and better be if they want to dominate rivals) unlock to drive sales in today’s landscape.

Our anthem video instilled this idea by showcasing dealers unlocking their supercharged modes: Swagger-Mode, Genius-Mode, Charisma-Mode, just to name a few. Thanks to having an Unfair Advantage with DriveCentric, dealerships are now always open, and always closing.

“I needed an agency that understood what we are doing at DriveCentric is truly revolutionary, and Mortar delivered. They gave me a strategy, brand message and a creative campaign that really connected with my audience. NADA was a smash hit.”

—David Fultz, CEO, DriveCentric