Laying Enterprise Security Bare

ExtraHop: Full Protection




Marketing & Communications Strategy

Advertising & Conceptual Development

The Challenge

Convince security teams to think differently about how they manage threats and stop breaches by introducing ExtraHop—a new, untraditional security approach.

Strategic Decision

We are the only way to secure the entire attack surface of a boundaryless enterprise.

The A-Ha Moment

“My business is everywhere, my security should be too.”

It doesn’t take a genius to see that anything less than 100% protection means, well, you’re not completely 100% protected. Then it’s reasonable to assume there will be holes, gaps, and surfaces that leave you exposed, vulnerable, and open for attack.

The image that notion conjures up is particularly applicable to today’s enterprise security. Legacy systems, siloed tools, and missed alerts don’t ensure 100% protection. So we thought, “A-ha! We could have fun with that.”

We developed print, outdoor, and social media to humorously highlight how protecting things only part way, is basically the dumbest way. (Not to mention also the most visually-disruptive.)

“I laughed aloud. It’s hilarious. Really think this helps us stand out”


“This is super funny and cuts through the noise. It resonates with our audience”
